CFUW Headwaters (formerly CFUW Orangeville & District)
The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with over 100 CFUW clubs, located in every province across Canada. Since its founding in 1919, CFUW has been working to improve the status of women, and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace. It holds special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Education Committee of the Canadian Commission to UNESCO. CFUW is the largest affiliate of Graduate Women International (GWI), which represents women worldwide.
CFUW believes that women working together can continue to build a strong national organization to ensure that all girls and women have equal opportunities and equal access to quality education within a peaceful and secure environment where their human rights are respected. Our vision includes a world where poverty is reduced, discrimination eliminated, where there are equal opportunities for leadership, employment, income, education, careers and the ability to maximize potential.
If you are a woman who supports the goals of CFUW and wants to have fun and make friends, we invite you to join us. CFUW Headwaters meets monthly the third Wednesday of every month, excluding December, January and February. These meetings include social time, club business and a guest speaker. Meetings start at 7 p.m. In addition to the regular monthly meetings we have over 20 fun and exciting interest groups where you can get together with women who have similar hobbies and interests, for camaraderie and support.
Our first meeting in September is a Meet & Greet social at which the new executive is introduced and sign-up for the year’s interest groups begins. New members are encouraged to attend! Admission is free. We have a fragrance-free policy at our meetings. Our final meeting of the year, in June, is a potluck hosted by one of our club members. We start and finish each year with a party!
The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with over 100 CFUW clubs, located in every province across Canada. Since its founding in 1919, CFUW has been working to improve the status of women, and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace. It holds special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Education Committee of the Canadian Commission to UNESCO. CFUW is the largest affiliate of Graduate Women International (GWI), which represents women worldwide.
CFUW believes that women working together can continue to build a strong national organization to ensure that all girls and women have equal opportunities and equal access to quality education within a peaceful and secure environment where their human rights are respected. Our vision includes a world where poverty is reduced, discrimination eliminated, where there are equal opportunities for leadership, employment, income, education, careers and the ability to maximize potential.
If you are a woman who supports the goals of CFUW and wants to have fun and make friends, we invite you to join us. CFUW Headwaters meets monthly the third Wednesday of every month, excluding December, January and February. These meetings include social time, club business and a guest speaker. Meetings start at 7 p.m. In addition to the regular monthly meetings we have over 20 fun and exciting interest groups where you can get together with women who have similar hobbies and interests, for camaraderie and support.
Our first meeting in September is a Meet & Greet social at which the new executive is introduced and sign-up for the year’s interest groups begins. New members are encouraged to attend! Admission is free. We have a fragrance-free policy at our meetings. Our final meeting of the year, in June, is a potluck hosted by one of our club members. We start and finish each year with a party!